Blog Article

Your hearing protection. Your way.

Your hearing protection. Your way.

Date: 2nd December 2019 | By: admin

We are all exposed to noise at some point during our daily lives. This might be a lorry on a busy street or a machine in a factory. It might be at our local shooting club or at a music concert.

Whatever the noise source is, we can protect your hearing for the future, investing in your quality of life now, saves you time and pressure on your health longer term.

If you have ever considered hearing protection but then dismissed it, we would like to advise you of how it can help you hear better for longer.

When do you need hearing protection?
Hearing protection is needed when you are exposed to loud or constant noises. There are regulations for the workplace that must be adhered to by your employer but in everyday life, it is important to consider other environments where you might need preventative measures to look after your ears.

If you go shooting and don’t wear ear protection you run the risk of serious blast trauma or damage to your hearing longer term. We have seen many people wearing sub-standard ear protection here and gladly advise people of what they really need whilst giving them a free of charge wax and hearing check too.

How do I know if I need hearing protection?
If you are worried about protecting your hearing, we can advise you as to whether noise protection is appropriate for you or not. If you are a musician or in a band you will know how important it is to be able to protect from low level, constant, steady state noise but also hear your instrument clearly.

We cater for musicians and offer specific musicians ear plugs that have attenuators, so you can choose what you want to hear.

If you enjoy listening to music, we also offer custom made tips that can be made specifically to use with your insert headphones including air pods. You will enjoy music like never before with earplugs made just for you, A great fit and superb sound!

If you ride a motorcycle and are tired of the disposable foam plugs, we can make you some custom devices that will fit comfortably under your helmet.

No more fiddling around before you set off on a ride, just simple, bespoke snug fitting ear plugs that protect you and make your journey more enjoyable.

What options will I have?
At Hear in Hagley, we offer a full range of bespoke ear protection supplied by ACS. During your appointment we can check your ears for wax, test your hearing and discuss the options. Impressions of your ears are taken so that we can be sure of a perfect fit with our custom-made moulds!

How do I find out more about it?
Contact our friendly team today to find out more about shooting, musicians or motorcycle hearing protection.

Cath or Diane will be on hand to book you in to have a chat with us at a time and date to suit.