Blog Article

We had a great Open Day celebrating our 3rd anniversary

We had a great Open Day celebrating our 3rd anniversary

Date: 4th October 2022 | By: admin

We had a great Open Day celebrating our 3rd anniversary. Hearing dog George was the star of the show. George is a chocolate working, show cocker spaniel. He is obsessed with his ball the best thing is digging a hole and watching his ball roll further down into it. He also loves his teddies and demands to carry one into work every day! He is also a champion snorer!

George supports Louise who’s hearing impairment makes the simple thigs that we take for granted a real challenge He wakes her in the morning when the alarm goes off. His other favourite tasks, alerting her to the doorbell, cooker timer and fire alarm. The latter being so important for Louises family they have worried for so many years about her not hearing the smoke alarm without her hearing aids. He has given Louise so much confidence and has been the best thing at the right time of life when she needs him the most!
‘He is my very best loyal friend who has taught me that life is actually good!’

Thank you to all of our lovely customers and suppliers who have donated money and raffle prizes to the charity which has helped Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. We raised £535 for the charity in August.