Proactive ways to communicate with people who have hearing loss

Communicating is the vital to all relationships, and when a friend or member of your family experiences hearing loss, it becomes crucial to adapt and find new ways to connect. As audiologists, we understand the challenges that come with hearing impairment and the importance of creating a supportive environment.  In this blog, we aim to suggest proactive ways to communicate with people who have hearing loss, enhancing understanding, empathy, and connection.

Understanding Hearing Loss

Before we delve into communication strategies, let’s briefly understand hearing loss. It’s essential to recognise that hearing impairment is not just about volume; it often involves difficulty understanding certain frequencies or distinguishing speech from background noise.

It’s important to recognise the level of hearing loss so that you can better understand it and make the adjustments that are personal to them. They may have additional needs that also need to be considered and a holistic approach would be easier for everyone.

This understanding will lay the foundation for the proactive communication approaches we’ll explore.

Create a Hearing-Friendly Environment

  1. Minimise Background Noise: Ensure that conversations take place in quiet environments. Background noise can be especially challenging for individuals with hearing loss, making it difficult for them to focus on and understand spoken words.
  2. Optimise Lighting: Good lighting helps in facial expressions and lip-reading. Make sure the area is well-lit, allowing your loved one to see your face clearly during conversations.
  3. Face-to-Face Communication: Position yourself in front of your family member when speaking to make lip-reading easier. Maintaining eye contact enhances the connection and provides visual cues.

Embrace Assistive Technology

  1. Hearing Aids: If your loved one uses hearing aids, encourage consistent usage. Regularly check the devices to ensure they are functioning correctly and assist in changing batteries or troubleshooting issues.
  2. Assisted Listening Devices: The use of simple devices such as personal mics, tv connectors and table top mics allow shared activities such as watching TV, communicating with loved ones, meeting friends for coffee much easier. This not only ensures comprehension but also allows everyone to enjoy the experience together.
  3. Smartphone Apps: Explore communication apps designed for individuals with hearing loss. These apps can provide real-time transcription and facilitate text-based communication, enhancing accessibility.

More proactive ways to communicate with people who have hearing loss, enhancing understanding, empathy, and connection…

Develop Clear Communication Habits

  1. Speak Clearly and Slowly: Enunciate your words and speak at a moderate pace. Avoid shouting, as it can distort speech and make it harder to understand.
  2. Rephrase Instead of Repeat: If your loved one struggles to grasp a particular phrase or sentence, try rephrasing instead of repeating the same words. This provides a fresh context that might be easier to comprehend.
  3. Use Visual Aids: Incorporate visual aids, such as written notes, diagrams, or gestures, to support verbal communication. Visual cues can provide additional context and assist in understanding.

Foster Open Communication

  1. Encourage Feedback: Create an environment where your loved one feels comfortable providing feedback on communication. This ensures a collaborative effort to find the most effective ways to interact.
  2. Check-In Regularly: Hearing abilities can change over time. Regularly check in with your family member about their hearing experiences and explore any adjustments that may be needed.
  3. Educate Others: Help friends and extended family members understand the challenges of hearing loss and the communication strategies you’re implementing. This promotes a supportive environment for your loved one.

Be Mindful of Emotional Well-being

  1. Acknowledge Frustrations: Understand that your loved one may experience frustration due to communication difficulties. Acknowledge these feelings, and work together to find solutions and coping mechanisms.
  2. Encourage Social Inclusion: Individuals with hearing loss may withdraw from social situations due to the challenges they face. Encourage participation in family gatherings and social events, ensuring they feel included and valued. Please read our blog about “How Hearing Well Can Make You a Bigger Part of Your Community“.
  3. Seek Professional Support: If the emotional impact becomes significant, consider seeking the guidance of a mental health professional who specialises in hearing loss-related issues.  Hearing Link Services is a charity which will be able to signpost you.

Navigating the challenges of communication with a friend or family member experiencing hearing loss requires a thoughtful and proactive approach. By creating a hearing-friendly environment, embracing assistive technology, developing clear communication habits, fostering open communication, and being mindful of emotional well-being, you can strengthen your connection with your loved one.

Remember, each individual’s experience with hearing loss is unique, so it’s essential to tailor these strategies to suit their specific needs. By implementing these approaches and staying informed about the latest technologies and developments in hearing care, you can create a supportive and communicative environment that enhances the overall well-being of your family member.

Have you ever heard ringing, buzzing, hissing, or even whooshing sounds when silence surrounds you? These phantom noises, collectively known as tinnitus, can be a frustrating and often isolating experience. But fear not, for while tinnitus might linger, its mystery doesn’t have to. Dive into our guide to understand what is tinnitus, its potential causes, and how to manage it effectively.

What is Tinnitus?

Contrary to popular belief, tinnitus isn’t an actual sound; it’s the perception of sound when no external source is present. This phantom noise can manifest in various forms, ranging from high-pitched ringing to low-frequency rumbling. In many cases, it’s a temporary annoyance, but for some, it can become a chronic condition, significantly impacting their quality of life.

What Causes Tinnitus?

The exact cause of tinnitus remains an enigma, but numerous factors can contribute to its development. Here are some of the most common culprits:

  • Hearing loss -This is the most frequent associate of tinnitus, especially age-related hearing loss. When the tiny hair cells in the inner ear (cochlea) are damaged, they can misfire, sending electrical signals to the brain interpreted as sound.
  • Noise exposure – Prolonged or repeated exposure to loud noises can damage the cochlea, leading to noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus. This is a concern for people working in noisy environments or who regularly listen to loud music.
  • Earwax buildup – Excessive earwax can block the ear canal, affecting sound transmission and potentially causing tinnitus. We would recommend getting you ear wax removed by a Hearing Care Professional. All of our practitioners are either HCAs or fully qualified HCPC registered audiologists, well above the minimum standard. To find out more, read our blog “The Benefits of Getting Ear Wax Removed by a Hearing Care Professional”
  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders – Problems with the jaw joint can sometimes trigger tinnitus due to shared neural pathways with the auditory system.
  • Medications – Certain medications, including aspirin, antibiotics, and some diuretics, can have tinnitus as a side effect.
  • Medical conditions – Conditions like Meniere’s disease, Lyme disease, and thyroid disorders can sometimes be linked to tinnitus.

Tinnitus – how to manage it effectively

While there’s no one-size-fits-all cure for tinnitus, various strategies can help manage its impact on your life. Here are some key approaches:

  1. Hearing aids – If hearing loss is a contributing factor, hearing aids can amplify external sounds, making it easier to hear over the tinnitus. We are an independent audiology practice and will guide you to choose the right hearing aid for your specific needs. If you are unsure of you need a hearing aid, please come to one of our clinics in Wombourne Hagley or Rubery for a free hearing assessment.  Our blog – How do I know if I Need a Hearing Aid? – may also be useful to you.
  2. Sound therapy – Masking the tinnitus with external sounds like white noise, nature sounds, or music can provide relief. Tinnitus retraining therapy utilizes specific sounds to help the brain habituate to the tinnitus, reducing its perceived loudness.
  3. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) – This therapy helps individuals develop coping mechanisms to manage the emotional distress associated with tinnitus.
  4. Relaxation techniques – Practices like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing can help manage stress and anxiety, which can exacerbate tinnitus symptoms.
  5. Lifestyle changes – Reducing stress, limiting caffeine and alcohol intake, and getting enough sleep can contribute to overall well-being and potentially improve tinnitus perception.

Tinnitus Care Reminders

  • Consultation is crucial – If you experience tinnitus, consult an audiologist or healthcare professional for diagnosis and personalized management strategies.  Our expert team are on hand for you to talk to about your concerns.
  • Support is available – You’re not alone. Numerous support groups and online communities can connect you with others who understand your experience and offer emotional encouragement.

Tinnitus might be an uninvited guest in your auditory world, but by understanding its causes and exploring management options, you can empower yourself to reclaim control and find solace amidst the phantom sounds.

What are the hidden danger of DIY Ear Wax Removal? Ear wax, medically known as cerumen, is a natural substance produced by the ear to protect the delicate lining of the ear canal. While it may seem tempting to remove this wax build up at home, attempting to do so without professional help can lead to potential risks and complications. In this blog post, we will explore the dangers associated with DIY ear wax removal and the importance of seeking professional assistance for this seemingly simple task.

  1. Ear canal damage and injury – The ear canal is a sensitive and delicate part of our auditory system. Attempting to remove ear wax without professional guidance can lead to accidental damage or injury, especially if improper tools or techniques are employed. Inadequate visibility and an inability to judge depth can result in cuts, abrasions, or even perforation of the eardrum. These injuries carry the risk of infection, hearing loss, and long-term damage that far outweighs the temporary discomfort caused by ear wax build-up.
  1. Pushing the wax deeper – Despite our attempts to dislodge ear wax at home, we often end up unintentionally pushing it deeper into the ear canal. Incorrectly using cotton buds or other objects like hair grips or toothpicks can cause the wax to become impacted, making it difficult to remove and potentially leading to a plug-like obstruction. This can obstruct hearing, cause repetitive ear infections, and in severe cases, may necessitate professional intervention to remove the impacted wax under specialized conditions.
  1. Damaging the delicate lining of the ear canal – The inner lining of the ear canal is lined with tiny hair-like structures called cilia that help move the ear wax outward naturally. Using excessive force to clean the ears can damage these fragile structures, impairing their function and disrupting the natural self-cleaning mechanism. Such damage may lead to a disruption in the balance of ear wax production, causing excessive wax build-up or even dryness, resulting in discomfort and increased susceptibility to ear infections.
  1. Risk of infection – Our ears have a natural defence mechanism against bacteria and fungal infections due to the acidic nature of ear wax. Attempting to remove ear wax with unsterilized instruments or when hands are not thoroughly clean significantly increases the risk of introducing harmful bacteria into the ear canal. This can lead to painful infections, swelling, itchiness, and in severe cases, hearing loss. It is crucial to understand that ear wax serves as a protective barrier, and removing it improperly can disrupt the body’s natural defences.

While the thought of removing ear wax at home may sound like a simple and cost-effective idea, the potential dangers and risks associated with DIY ear wax removal far outweigh the benefits. Our ear health is very important and by seeking professional assistance from a qualified audiologist or HCA ensures that the procedure is conducted safely, with proper equipment and techniques, minimising the risk of injury, damage, and infection.

Read more on “The Benefits of Getting Ear Wax Removed by a Hearing Care Professional”

All of our team are suitably experienced and qualified to assist you with all of your hearing issues.  Please book in to see us at any of our three clinics.

Have you ever experienced discomfort, impaired hearing, or a constant ringing sensation in your ears? It’s possible that excess ear wax build up could be the culprit! Ear wax, while essential for protecting our ears, can sometimes accumulate and cause various issues – and there are many benefits of getting ear wax removed by a Hearing Care Professional.

GPs are no longer offering this service and we want to educate you as to why you should be careful as to who now removes your ear wax. Ear wax removal is being offered by both healthcare and non-healthcare professionals due to lack of regulation. Although they may be competent in their own area of expertise, they provide ear wax removal as an additional service after attending a basic one or two day course and then immediately removing earwax from a clients very delicate ears.

In comparison, our Hearing Care Assistants undertake a comprehensive 3 month course and are under the direct supervision of our expert audiologists, undertaking further ongoing training at The Audiology Academy when required.

We want to inform and educate about the benefits of getting ear wax removed by a Hearing Care Professional – which is not as straight forward as many people consider it to be.

  1. Safe and Effective Removal – While many people resort to at-home remedies or DIY techniques for clearing ear wax, it’s crucial to understand the potential risks involved. Inserting objects like cotton swabs or makeshift tools into your ears can often push the wax further, leading to complications. Opting for a hearing care professional ensures a safe and effective removal process, reducing the probability of accidental damage to your ears. This damage could be permanent or extremely painful with the non-hearing care professional unable to offer further support or advice.
  2. Restored Hearing – Excessive ear wax can cause temporary hearing loss or reduced sound clarity. Seeking professional help ensures that your hearing is accurately tested and the root cause evaluated. A hearing care professional uses specialized equipment and techniques to remove the ear wax, allowing us to then test your hearing accurately without obstruction. This leads to a significant improvement in your hearing ability, enhancing your overall quality of life and communication.
  3. Prevention of Complications – Ignoring ear wax build up can lead to severe complications if left untreated. Impacted ear wax can cause pain, dizziness, and tinnitus (ringing sound in the ears). Moreover, it can create an ideal environment for bacterial infections, resulting in discomfort and potential further damage. By visiting a hearing care professional, you can prevent these complications and maintain healthy ears.
  4. Expert Guidance and Advice – Hearing care professionals are well-versed in the complexities of ear anatomy and function. During your visit, they can assess your overall ear health, provide personalized advice on maintaining optimal ear hygiene, and guide you on preventing excessive ear wax build up. Their expertise ensures that you receive accurate information and professional recommendations tailored to your specific needs.
  5. Care for Hearing Aids Users – For those who use hearing aids, ear wax can pose an even greater challenge. Accumulation of wax can interfere with the proper functioning of the devices, leading to diminished performance, feedback and discomfort. A hearing care professional not only removes the ear wax but also ensures that your hearing aids are in top condition, maximizing their effectiveness.

What to look for when seeking a qualified hearing care professional for your ear wax removal

It is very confusing when searching for an ear wax removal specialist in your local area and so this is a basic checklist for you to use

  • Do they have a dedicated hearing or ear clinic with the necessary equipment to fulfil any hearing related issue that may occur when removing your ear wax? Our clinics are recognised as Centres of Excellence by AIHHP (Association of Independent Hearing Healthcare Professionals)
  • What qualifications do they hold? As a minimum standard, we recommend that they hold an earcare qualification provided by a reputable, accredited institution. All of our practitioners are either HCAs or fully qualified HCPC registered audiologists, well above the minimum standard.
  • What level of insurance do they hold specifically for ear wax removal?
  • What other services do they offer? If someone is offering other health related services – such as foot health practitioners. Chiropractors or sports therapy – they may have a basic understanding of ear wax removal but can they competently recognise other hearing issues?
You may also want to read our blog –What To Look For When Choosing a Hearing Company


Maintaining healthy ears is crucial for our overall well-being, and seeking professional help for ear wax removal is a step in the right direction. By relying on a hearing care professional, you can ensure safe and effective removal, restored hearing, prevention of complications, and access to expert guidance. Don’t let ear wax affect your daily life – take the necessary steps to maintain healthy ears and enjoy the benefits of optimal hearing!

Cycle lanes are becoming more common and we’re all encouraged to cycle rather than drive. But what if you have difficulty with your balance as a result of hearing loss? How does hearing loss affect your balance and bicycle riding?

As we go about our daily lives, we may not always think about the intricate ways our senses collaborate to keep us safe and balanced. We rely on a symphony of signals from our eyes, ears, and proprioceptive system to maintain stability. It might be a surprising revelation, but our ears play a crucial role in this system.  We strongly recommend that anyone who has a hearing aid should wear it all the time – read here for more information.

Understanding the Inner Ear’s Role:
To grasp the connection between hearing loss and balance, it’s essential to learn a bit about the inner ear’s marvellous mechanism. Deep inside our ears, there are small, delicate structures called the vestibular system. This system is responsible for detecting motion and changes in head position, thus enabling us to maintain equilibrium.

The vestibular system works in harmony with our visual system, helping us gauge our orientation relative to the environment around us. For instance, when we ride a bicycle, our ears help us maintain balance by detecting shifts in movement and coordinating that information with what we see and feel.

The Link Between Hearing Loss and Balance:
Hearing loss, even if it appears mild at first, can disrupt the communication between the ears and the brain. This disconnection can hinder the vestibular system’s ability to accurately detect motion and balance-related cues. As a result, those with hearing impairment might experience a slight, yet impactful, decrease in balance control.

Research suggests that individuals with hearing loss may rely more heavily on their visual and proprioceptive systems to compensate for the compromised vestibular input. While this adaptation can be effective to some extent, it may not provide the same level of balance control experienced by those with fully functional hearing.

Keep reading – How Does Hearing Loss Affect Your Balance and Bicycle Riding?

The Bicycle Connection:
As we circle back to the subject of bicycle riding, you might now understand how hearing loss could play a role in this seemingly unrelated activity. Riding a bicycle requires a fine-tuned coordination of balance, especially when navigating through obstacles, making turns, or adjusting speed. When hearing loss affects the delicate balance mechanism, it can lead to difficulties in maintaining the necessary equilibrium for a smooth ride.

However, there is some good news! With increased awareness, the right support, and a proactive approach, those with hearing loss can continue to enjoy the thrill of cycling.

Seeking Solutions and Embracing Technology:
If you suspect you might have hearing loss or have already been diagnosed, it’s crucial to consult Hear In, a professional audiology practice, for a comprehensive evaluation. We offer free hearing assessments, without obligation, to establish your level of hearing.

We can then suggest appropriate interventions, such as hearing aids, to improve your auditory experience if you need them. It could be as simple as removing ear wax!

Hearing aids have come a long way in recent years. Advanced technology now allows for better sound processing and filtering, reducing background noise and enhancing speech clarity. By wearing hearing aids, you can potentially improve your balance by regaining better access to auditory cues and enhancing your overall sensory perception.

Furthermore, some hearing aids even come with features like Bluetooth connectivity, allowing you to wirelessly connect to your smartphone or bicycle accessories, such as GPS systems or communication devices. Embracing these technological advancements can help you enjoy your rides more safely and confidently.

The Power of Adaptation:
Like with any challenge in life, adapting to changes is the key to unlocking new possibilities. While hearing loss may influence your balance, it doesn’t have to prevent you from riding a bicycle. Start with short, safe rides in familiar settings to build your confidence. Consider riding with a friend or family member who can provide additional support and reassurance.  There are specific cycling clubs if you want to ride with people who are also hard of hearing.

Always remember that it’s essential to prioritise safety and follow traffic rules. Wear a helmet, use reflective gear, and equip your bicycle with proper lights for visibility. Taking these precautions will ensure you can enjoy your bicycle rides while feeling secure.

In conclusion, hearing loss and balance may have a hidden connection, but it doesn’t have to hold you back from the joys of cycling. Visit us for professional guidance, embrace technology, and adapt to new strategies. By doing so, you can pedal into the sunset and experience the wind in your hair with newfound confidence, all while cherishing the simple pleasure of riding a bicycle. Happy cycling!

We had a great Open Day celebrating our 3rd anniversary. Hearing dog George was the star of the show. George is a chocolate working, show cocker spaniel. He is obsessed with his ball the best thing is digging a hole and watching his ball roll further down into it. He also loves his teddies and demands to carry one into work every day! He is also a champion snorer!

George supports Louise who’s hearing impairment makes the simple thigs that we take for granted a real challenge He wakes her in the morning when the alarm goes off. His other favourite tasks, alerting her to the doorbell, cooker timer and fire alarm. The latter being so important for Louises family they have worried for so many years about her not hearing the smoke alarm without her hearing aids. He has given Louise so much confidence and has been the best thing at the right time of life when she needs him the most!
‘He is my very best loyal friend who has taught me that life is actually good!’

Thank you to all of our lovely customers and suppliers who have donated money and raffle prizes to the charity which has helped Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. We raised £535 for the charity in August.

Shopping on the high street has changed over the last couple of years. This also includes how people are shopping for their ear care and hearing aids.

It is possible to access some services at your local optician or pharmacy. So, how does their audiology offer differ from an independent audiological clinic?

Professional team

We pride ourselves on our professionalism and expertise. We just do ears – not eyes, prescriptions or feet! As fully qualified audiology professionals you are in safe hands. Our clinics at Hagley, Wombourne and Rubery are dedicated to hearing care, that’s what we do.

Personal service

It’s the little details that can make all the difference. You are important to us and we genuinely care about you and your ears. More often than not we can remember which hearing aids you are wearing if you pop in for filters or batteries. We are happy to chat about your health, the family and even the latest holiday you’ve been on!

We aim to give you the best customer experience, after all, this relationship can last for a number of years as we look after you on your journey.

Continuity of Care

We are a small family business and you are most likely to see the same audiologist – Jo, Sophie or Marie when you visit us. If its wax removal or hearing aid servicing, Wyll and Julia are on hand to help. In larger organisations, you may see one of many audiologists or even a locum who will have to learn about your hearing history each time you visit.

Detailed Product Knowledge

We have excellent product knowledge and have our own Audiology academy where audiologists from around the UK come to develop their skills. We attend new product launches on a regular basis and as we are independent, we have access to all the hearing aids on offer to ensure you have the very latest technology to help you hear.

Unlike the large multiples, we don’t have sales targets which means we can focus on you!

No need to rush

It’s a big decision when thinking about investing in your hearing. We like you to feel relaxed as we discuss your listening needs and will work with you to ensure you make the right decision. This can be done with a tea or coffee in hand, we even provide the biscuits!

Given the choice, where would you prefer to be seen when discussing your ears and hearing?

There are so many places offering ear wax removal these days and it can be difficult to know who to choose. Our clinics are dedicated to hearing care, your ears are in safe hands!

At Hear in Hagley, Wombourne and Rubery , we pride ourselves on the quality of service you will receive and the professionalism of our clinical team.

We use the latest equipment to ensure the procedure is performed safely and you are able to see the results for yourselves using a special camera.

What happens in the appointment?

  • We will recommend using olive oil or EAROL* to gently soften the wax for 48hrs prior to your appointment.
  • After taking a brief medical history, we will examine your ears using both an otoscope and a camera. This will help us decide on the best removal method
  • We offer 3 methods of wax removal – microsuction, irrigation or instrumentation. Sometimes we may use all 3!
  • Once the ears are clear we will show you the results with our camera so you can see the difference
  • The best time to have your hearing checked is when you are wax free so we will perform a short, baseline check of your hearing
  • Once we have discussed the results with you, we can advise on future management

Occasionally we may need you to return for a 2nd visit if the wax is a little stubborn. There’s no additional charge for this return trip.

*you can purchase Earol from us. It is also available from most chemists.

Prices and booking

  • Price – the cost is £70 for the appointment
  • Booking appointments – you can book online but if there are no appointments available to suit, please call your local ‘Hear In’ clinic. We may be able to help or put you on a cancellation list
  • Our Hear in Wombourne clinic is a training practice attached to our Audiology Academy where we train qualified hearing professionals from all over the UK in wax removal under strict supervision. We offer wax removal in these supervised sessions for just £45

If you want to have your ears cleared professionally by the experts then please get in touch. We will be happy to help!

Many people in the UK, over the age of 20 have some form of hearing loss, whether noticeable or not. Knowing how to assess your lifestyle and use that information to eliminate hearing loss is something you should be doing daily.

Utilise a lifestyle assessment to determine the level of activity in your hearing life and what steps you can take to improve it and reduce your risk of hearing loss.

The Natural Aging Process
As you get older, there’s no escaping hearing loss. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it. Instead of losing your hearing gradually, take an active role in protecting and maintaining your hearing abilities through simple lifestyle habits.
For instance, reducing alcohol and cigarette consumption can improve your hearing ability. Not only that, but these habits could extend your lifespan by delaying disease development, including memory loss and dementia.

Limit or Avoid Exposure to Loud Sounds
Exposure to loud sounds can damage your hearing over time. The louder a sound, or the longer you’re exposed to it, the higher the risk of damage to your ears. You should wear noise-reducing ear protection if you’re exposed to loud sounds at work, concerts, sporting events, or home. It would help if you also took regular breaks during noisy periods so that your ears have time to recover. You can ask us about this at Hear in Hagley or Hear in Wombourne.

Turn Down Your Music
Many of us like to listen to music and listen to it loudly. We may even use the ever-popular earbuds, which directly brings the music into our ears. It is recommended that you only listen to your music for 60 minutes at 60% volume when using earbuds or headphones. As trying as this action may be, it is essential to follow if we want to protect our hearing to have a long hearing life. We talk to our clients on a regular basis about how to care for their ears with or without the use of hearing aids.

Our Thoughts
You can’t just shut your ears off to avoid loud noises, but there are ways you can protect yourself against being exposed to excessive noise that can cause permanent hearing loss over time.

Prevention is always better than cure, and even if you already have hearing loss, you need to do all you can to protect the hearing that you do have. You can achieve this by being aware of your hearing lifestyle and making changes to your diet, exercise routine, and use of technology. By acting now, you will avoid many risks that come with hearing loss in later life.

Please get in touch today to book your ear wax removal appointment or hearing test with our friendly team HERE

Community events are fun and give you healthy social interactions. Whether you want to attend music events or volunteer for a social cause, hearing well can help you become a bigger part of your local community.

Create Better Conversations

When you don’t hear conversations due to background noise, it can be unpleasant for everyone involved. Misunderstandings can occur, or you might find yourself continuously asking people to repeat themselves.

Hearing well allows conversations to flow when you’re interacting with your community members. This effortless back-and-forth helps build relationships and create better conversations.

Be More Engaged

Sometimes people can misinterpret your lack of response as being standoffish or rude because you are ignoring them. They often don’t realise that you honestly didn’t hear them.

When hearing well, you can avoid common misunderstandings when you are out in your community. As a result, you’ll be more engaged and present around others.

Have the Energy to Go Out

The Hearing Journal released a study that found a relationship between how well you hear and symptoms of depression. The inability to hear well can increase feelings of depression that lead to not wanting to socialize, do activities, or leave the house.

You can also improve your mood and find the energy to become a bigger part of your local community by improving your hearing.

Improve Your Confidence

Knowing you can hear car horns or informational messages in public locations can improve your sense of safety and confidence when venturing outdoors. Additionally, hearing well supports your balance and reduces any risk of falls when you are out and about at local events.

Be Open to New Things

Group activities can be more rewarding when you hear well since you can easily socialise with others. You won’t have to worry about feeling isolated during activities.

As a result, it can be easier to try new things and feel involved when you know you’ll have others there experiencing it with you.

Being part of your local community is a rewarding experience. Wondering if you’ll be able to hear conversations at events or announcers at sports games shouldn’t be something that prevents you from experiencing the joys of community involvement. Instead, allow yourself to show up confidently and engage with others.

We are here to support you in participating in your local community; book an appointment with our friendly team at one of our clinics today, for more information on hearing well, a hearing test or ear wax removal.